
Teen Mom 2 Recap: Season 2, Episode 4 "Working Overtime"

"You cheesy little Ken Doll!!"

Jenelle Evans: Jenelle and Nathan decide to get a new place of their own instead of crashing at Nathan's pad. Jenelle goes to lunch with Jace and Babs to break the news to them and Jace responds with "Why?" (This kid is a genius already). Jenelle and Babs discuss a new visitation plan and Babs allows her to take Jace overnight.

Jenelle and Nathan's new pad...

Jenelle and Ken Doll (er, I mean Nathan) find a new place and it's time to move in. They have an argument over dog poop and Jenelle unpacks the whole u-haul herself while Nathan cleans it up. They finally settle in the new house and Nathan gives Jenelle a massage.

Babs and Jace visit Jenelle at her and Nathan's new pad. Babs is impressed by the dogs, but Jace wants all new toys. Babs is shocked by how expensive the place is, but since Nathan has good job selling time shares, they're not too worried about that.

Babs and Jace come back over to the pad to discuss visitation with Nathan and Jenelle. She's willing to let her have Jace more now that she's supposedly clean 'n sober. Babs and Nathan both agree that Jenelle is a good girl, but just got with the wrong people (uh, huh. I think it's more than that!!) and that Jenelle has finally grown up.

"Better not spoil this for me Jo!!"

Kailyn Lowry: Kail is back to her signature blonde locks again, and she is preparing to move. Even though Kail hasn't gotten the approval to move with Javi, they are looking for places to live for when they do. Javi calls Kail and tells her that he found a nice place in their price range that is close to base. Kail is worried about what would happen if the judge declines relocation permission, but at this point, they are both worried about what will happen if they continue to live separately.

Kail and Javi go on to look at the house for sale. Even though they are not able to see the inside, they decide to start the process by applying for a loan and hoping for the best, since they are tired of living apart. (Bonus: Javi rubbing Kail's back in this scene was super cute!!)

While Isaac is with Jo playing Power Rangers, Kail meets up with her maid of honor, Peach, to discuss the wedding. The baby is punching Kail's stomach as she tells Peach why she wants a wedding before the baby comes. They also talk about the house and how Kail would have to live with Javi's parents if Jo stopped her from moving.

Kail is anxiously waiting for Javi to come home for the weekend. When he gets home, they talk about how excited they are to possibly own a house and all the stress Kail is under. She is planning to move in with him, even if the court case isn't over yet.

"Noo don't grow up on me!!!"

Chelsea Houska: It's Chelsea's 22nd birthday, but has to celebrate with a test on skincare. She uses her mom for a guinea pig. Chelsea does well on the test and goes to lunch with her mom afterwords to discuss Adam's visitation. She decides to let Adams parents have Aubree overnight so she can get ready for Aubree's upcoming birthday, but doesn't want to discuss visitation with her mom.

In the next scene, we get to see Chelsea reading to Aubree (aww). The rest of the scene is all about Adam and his very preggo girlfriend Taylor discussing their excitement about the new baby. She is due in only two days in they are eating out. (Anyone else think it would be hilarious if her water broke in the restaurant??!!) They also complain about Chelsea and how Taylor should get rights to Aubree just because Adam impregnated her.

Chelsea prepares Aubree for her first day of preschool, but is not quite sure if she's prepared for the big day herself. Chelsea feels old now that she's 22, but Aubree doesn't feel the same. (!) (Seriously, Aubree is the cutest kid...ever)

Adam decides to come with Chelsea to pick up Aubree in a sweet new ride and forgets Chelsea's birthday. (wow...) Aubree immediately reaches out to Adam, probably because she never sees him and he likes to tease her with visitation. Chelsea wants Aubree to be a baby again, but Aubree disagrees.

Since Chelsea has another client test on her birthday, she drops Aubree off with her mom and cousin. They have a little bit of time so she talks to her mom about her frustration over Adam just now pretending to play daddy. Her mom just listens and Chelsea leaves for her test.

"I hope I can handle this mess by myself!"

Leah Calvert: Leah is once again by herself with the kids when Jeremy leaves for a month-long work trip 8 hours away. Her mom comes over to talk about the situation with Ali and what it could mean for their living arrangements. They discuss the difficulties of Ali's diagnosis and Leah's mom gets emotional talking about seeing her daughter hurting.

Corey talks to Miranda about Ali's doctor's appointment and how he doesn't want her to continue testing. He and Miranda both agree that she should have a normal childhood and they must remain optimistic. Miranda seems sweet and like a great step mom. I hope she gets more airtime this season.

While Corey busy keeping a sassy Aleeh away from dangerous cats, Leah calls Jeremy to tell him that they should sell their house. Leah's stepdad comes over and the two discuss the farm Leah's looking at. Her stepdad agrees that they should move to a place that's handicap accessible, but is worried about her moving so far away from family.

Leah and Corey meet up for their exchange and the sisters are fighting again. The parents talk about when the girls should start preschool, which leads to the conversation of Corey still being in denial. Corey believes that he will eventually walk Ali down the isle. I know Corey wants to stay positive for Ali's sake, but he's in for quite a rude awakening.

You can watch the episode here: http://www.mtv.com/videos/teen-mom-2-season-5-ep-4-working-overtime/1722139/playlist.jhtml

Next Week: Jenelle and Nathan talk about starting a family, Kailyn tries to come up with a custody agreement with Jo, Chelsea and Megan take a vacation, and Leah's friend gets married and moves away.

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