That said, let's get down to it!
Jenelle Evans: Since last season, Jenelle broke up with Keiffer, met, married, and separated Courtland. (A bunch of other stuff happens, but I won't go into that for the sake of time)
A picture of Jenelle and Courtland since he was skipped over on the show.
Jenelle now lives back with her mom and has ended her marriage. She is now clean of drugs and just found out she's pregnant again. Since she doesn't have the means to care for a child, she decided to get an abortion. Her mom agrees to pay for it (probably because she would end up raising the kid!) and takes her to the clinic. (Side note, why would they take Jace to something like this? So disturbing!)
Also, Jace has seemed to have added a new word to his vocab, the F bomb, probably learned from mom and grandma. Wow this kid is going to be a wreck when he's a teen.
Kailyn Marroquin: Last season we saw the heart-breaking moment of Kailyn's new husband, Javi, leaving for air for boot camp. Now Javi is back and Kailyn is pregnant! Since they are likely to Javi's air force base soon, they decide to have their baby shower. Kail looks fabulous for the occasion in a pink dress (and new brown locks) that glides over her baby bump. As Javi makes a speech about how much he already loves Isaac, Kail's pregnancy hormones kick in and she starts to tear up. Then, they show an adorable kiss. <3
Cute pic from Javi's graduation (where Linc was conceived!)
With excitement comes stress for the couple, as they have to live apart until Kail gets permission from the court to relocate. They can't buy a lot of what they need for the baby or settle in a new place together because Jo wants to appeal the court order, even though she's only moving 2 hours away!! Ridiculous considering HE violated their custody agreement by not getting the court's permission to move out of state a year ago!!
I think Jo is being a bit selfish. I understand that Isaac needs to see Jo, but Javi needs to be around for his wife and child too, and they were stationed close enough to where Jo can still see him.
Chelsea Houska: Since last season, Chelsea has dropped out of cosmetology school and has decided to go to a skincare school.
Meanwhile, Adam has donated his sperm to his on-again off-again girlfriend, Taylor, and now all of a sudden wants visitation rights to Aubree so he and Taylor can play house her. (Good luck getting rights at all with your criminal record!!)
Leah Calvert: Since last season has happened with Leah.
Leah had a new baby girl named Addalyn.
Corey got married to a girl named Miranda.
Jeremy is relieved that Corey is getting married (He seemed slightly insecure!). The girls are also in the wedding.
We also finally to find out Ali's diagnosis.
You can the episode here:
Next week: Jenelle faces possible felony charges, Jo tries to delay Kailyn's court case as long as possible (why?), Chelsea struggles with Aubree getting a half-sister, and Leah tries to get Jeremy to change jobs.
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